Rural America’s heavy dependence on gasoline not only burdens families economically but also contributes significantly to carbon emissions. This report sheds light on the hidden challenges faced by “rural Gasoline Superusers” — a small subset of rural drivers who, despite comprising less than 4% of the US population, account for nearly 13% of the nation’s gasoline consumption. These individuals often grapple with financial strain due to their reliance on gasoline, with many allocating a quarter of their household income solely to fuel expenses.

Given the substantial financial outlay for gasoline and vehicle upkeep, many rural Superusers could achieve overall monthly savings by transitioning to electric vehicles (EVs), even if it means taking on a higher car payment. This report delves into potential pathways for facilitating this transition, emphasizing the dual advantages of enhancing economic resilience and promoting environmental sustainability in rural areas.

The report shows in granular detail:

  • Rural drivers consume a high percentage of gasoline for the relative size of rural America;
  • Rural Superusers face high financial burdens from gasoline costs;
  • Rural Superusers are found across the US.

More About this Resource

Publisher: Coltera

Date: May 9, 2024

Tags: EV 101

Countries: United States

States: None