Source: EV Hub
he State EV Registration Data Dashboard now has local (ZIP code- or county-level) EV registration data for the top five EV markets in the United States. We recently added California, the nation’s largest EV market, bringing the total number of states for which we have local EV registration data to 15, representing more than three quarters of the national EV market.
Overall, California had nearly 560,000 EVs on the road as of the end of 2019. Roughly 44 percent of these are plug-in hybrid vehicles with more than 60,000 registrations of both the Toyota Prius Prime and discontinued Chevy Volt. Tesla dominates the share of EVs registered in California, accounting for 63 percent of the all-electric vehicles and 35 percent of registrations overall. Tesla’s share of California EV registrations has increased over time and since the beginning of 2019, the automaker claims 56 percent of overall EV sales in the state.
In terms of regional distributions, EVs are predictably concentrated around Los Angeles and the Bay Area with other concentrations in Orange and San Diego counties. While Los Angeles has the highest number of EV registrations overall with 139,000 EVs on the road, Santa Clara County in the Bay Area has a comparable per person deployment of 1.8 EVs per 1,000 people. California’s EV market also extends into more rural and remote areas as well with counties like Humboldt and Tulare showing several thousand EV registrations.
Widespread EV adoption positions the Golden State well ahead of the second-largest market, Florida, by almost 500,000 vehicles. California also has four times more EVs per person than Florida. After Florida, the next three largest EV markets are Washington, New York, and Texas with 60,000, 56,000 and 33,000 EV registrations, respectively.
New Jersey, another leading EV market with more than 28,000 EV registration, continues to roll out supportive policies for transportation electrification and is advancing on Texas, which has three times as many people but fewer supportive policies. New Jersey recently established new goals set in mid-October to reach 100 percent ZEV passenger vehicles sales by 2035. The state is the first to follow California, which made moves to implement this goal in September. The Golden State is also pushing to electrify vans, trucks, and buses by 2045, all markets for which electrification is expected to expand rapidly according to new research from the ICCT. The report notes the importance of new investment and model offerings from established, “legacy” manufacturers.
You can track the history of passenger EV sales and new offerings through the Automakers Dashboard and the local EV registrations on the State EV Registration Data Dashboard. The latter is available to the public and aims to make these valuable data available for free to the entire policy community for research, advocacy, and market development purposes. If you don’t see your state in our list and are interested in helping us add it, please send us an email at info@atlasevhub.com.